Monday, January 15, 2018

Life can be challenging, and then there are existential problems #problems #existential #meaningoflife

“What makes your problems so much bigger than everyone else’s?”
“They’re mine!”
--- Ally McBeal

In no particular order, I present to you my 2018 list of existential problems. As these are subject to change, and their priority will never be consistent, I did not want to waste any time on force ranking them. Right there is a big problem – force ranking problems that are existential.

In September of last year, I stated this while eating an early lunch after a long walk along the Pacifica beach with my Pacifica family – “hangryness is another issue that does not get enough attention, much like ageism”. To me, this is the definition of an existential problem if ever one existed. To be hungry, and then angry, leading to hangryness, is likely one of the worst feelings an otherwise calm, cool, sarcastic, humorous and generally jovial person can experience. If you are wondering how I know I stated this in September, 2017 – it’s because I wrote it down. I write most things down to mitigate another existential problem – not remembering the coolest things I ever said and when I said them. I also write down the coolest things other people say, too, for the same reason.

Siri has managed to learn that I appreciate sarcasm and a sense of humor. But the weather is serious business. And one morning when I asked Siri, what is the temperature right now, Siri proceeded to say, “It doesn’t matter what temperature the room is, it’s always room temperature. Just kidding… it’s 48oF outside”. I’m sure you’ve heard Siri say funnier things when prompted, but this response to a weather question was shocking enough for me to take a screen shot (once again, so I would never forget). I’ve forgotten why this is an existential problem, but I think it should be.

I am generally a grateful person, but sometimes not grateful enough. In August of last year, while enjoying the beauty of the island of Hawaii, I stalked friends on social media who traveled to Oregon to watch the eclipse, and felt intensely jealous. I don’t even know if I would have traveled to Oregon myself to watch it happen, but I felt envious regardless, and chided myself for not organizing my calendar well. My extraordinarily synced calendar does not have events like the total solar eclipse automatically listed on it, and there are no flags or notifications when you plan something at the same time. I suppose this paragraph has two problems – my wavering gratefulness and my calendar.

Pepsi or Coke? I like Pepsi more than Coke. Drink something like 2 a year. I switched to Coke after the offensive ad featuring Jenner, but I think this can be a low priority problem until I start consuming more soda and have a credible impact on the soda industry.

I don’t have Bran’s vision. If I did, I would tell you everything. For a small fee, of course. And I would not accept daggers from slimy people with slimy names like Littlefinger. This was probably the most frustrating part about Game of Thrones – waiting for Bran to let us see what he sees, which we eventually did, but not at the time of my noting this down on August 6, 2017. If you don’t watch GoT, it’s your problem. 

I think that’s plenty of existential problems to chew on and prioritize for now. And there are plenty more where these came from (my downloaded Facebook timeline).

To end this post, another quote (and warning) from Ally McBeal – “Even if I get past all of my problems, I’m just going to get new ones”

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Revisiting goals and creating existential problems #frivolous #goals #existential #problems

A little over a year ago, I made some frivolous goals - When the going gets tough, make some frivolous goals. I was afraid of revisiting that blog post since I didn’t think I had accomplished any of those, but I was pleasantly surprised that I did make some progress.

It’s not like they were SMART goals. Specific – yes, Measurable – somewhat, Achievable – absolutely, Realistic – of course, Timely – possibly. Okay, so there were somewhat SMART goals, but once written, shared, laughed at, and received feedback on, some of them didn’t quite make the top 10 priority list. Therefore, I will do things a little differently for 2018 by revisiting the previous goals and then focusing on some existential problems in future posts.

Update on previous goals

Perfect hair coloring technique
Result – Achieved! Not in that I perfected the technique, but I found a stylist closer to home who I trust, and get my hair colored more frequently. And it’s perfect, so I check this off as Achieved! Now, it would be no fun if there was no back story to the new stylist, right? First visit was a success. Second visit – salon empty, lights switched off, door locked! How could I scare off someone from coloring my hair? It turns out that since my stylist and I have similar names, she added her name to her calendar instead of mine, had a good laugh at scheduling an appointment for herself on the calendar, and went home early!

Make three pairs of boots as good as new
Result – So not achieved, and worse, it’s now four pairs of boots! I think the only intact one has a tiny tear that will soon expand into a more noticeable one. In the meantime, I won 2 gift cards to a local cobbler that I haven’t used, and bought several pairs of new shoes including the currently trendy booties. I also purchased (and returned) two fabulous new pairs of knee high boots which were the right foot size and the right shin length but were clearly not designed for my slender calves. This is, therefore, marked – Not Achieved! And there’s no back story either. It is back on the list for 2018.

Fix the Wii
Result – WHAT WAS I THINKING? Fix the Wii? Where have I been? The goal is 100% achieved by replacing the old Wii with a Fire Stick upstairs and Apple TV downstairs. The first accomplished soon after writing that goal, and the second while trying to figure out how to mirror a movie I created on the iPad that I wanted to share with an audience on the new TV. Of course, since then, newer and better versions of both have been released, and I will soon be behind the times again.

Ride on the Hyde-Powell cable car with a billowing cape
Result – Not Achieved! I have no excuses but I can blame it on the lack of interest by other participants, maybe. I will cautiously add this to the 2018 list, and with or without a cape, I will jump on the Hyde-Powell train next time I’m in the vicinity.

We can’t do everything, but we can do something
Result – Achieved! Not with serious blogs and nagging, but stepping up and doing more. By reaching out to people who were struggling emotionally. By reading more, learning more, channeling my frustration into the right actions with the help of those who are more knowledgeable and doing so much. And by staying focused on what is still good, and how each one of us can’t do everything, but we can do something.  

In 2018, I will focus on some existential problems. They are my existential problems, and may not carry the same weight or any weight at all for you, so please approach with the right amount of cynicism and sense of humor. So long!