Saturday, July 26, 2014

Life is full of happy coincidences

July 26th, just another ordinary day for many but a wedding anniversary for two amazing couples I am lucky to have in my life. As I was looking at their beautiful pictures on Facebook, I was also searching for some documents for my niece. I did not find the documents, but I found a lot of old pictures, some of which were happy memories with one of these friends. Of course, I found even more pictures as I went through a shelf that hasn't been touched in a long time. 

A few texts and messages later, once all the newly discovered pictures were shared, I decided to catch up on other messages. Well, there were two messages about why I was slacking off on blogging. I am behind, maybe, but not slacking off, at least that is my excuse and I am sticking with it. Both friends had specific requests for recipes, which I promise will be posted soon. The best part about the “slacking off” messages – a friend’s 13 year-old son reminded his mom that I had not posted anything in a month! 

The discovery of old pictures was also a reminder of some people I have lost track of over the last few years. That is no longer the case – some of the texts also led to discovering lost friends via other friends, and of course Facebook!

In a few short hours today, I have discovered old pictures, found lost friends, talked about some foods that I enjoyed so much with my friends, and found out that people do read my blog. 

Happy weekend! 

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